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Giving Hope And Help For Free

Hogar de Ancianos, San Carlos was founded in 1961 and built on the idea that senior citizens who gave everything for their families and the country, deserve to be taken care of when they cannot do it alone.

It all started when a young boy by the name of Vladimir Gomez Gamboa at age 20 learned that a senior citizen died from malnutrition and abandonment. He then decided not to rest until senior citizens experiencing similar adversities would have food, a decent place to live, and a better life. At first Mr. Gomez Gamboa, was supported by others, but they easily got discouraged and left him alone with his idea. After many years and encountering opposition from Governmental Organizations and even from the Catholic Church, the idea began to take place under the name of “Asociacion Hogar de Ancianos San Vicente de Paul de San Carlos”. With the help of many and with the involvement of the community, by 1968 the Association purchased a portion of land and the Hogar was established.

Today the Hogar has its own building and harbors more than 65 citizens.  Mr. Gomez Gamboa’s initial idea in which he pictured that senior citizens who have been abandoned by their families, or have no financial resources have become a reality. Today, those senior citizens at a disadvantage have shelter, health care, food, understanding, tranquility, peace, and most important love. All of this is possible thanks to the efforts and sacrifice of many people, and a great variety of donations coming from all over the country and the world. Thank you. 

Hogar de Ancianos does not charge any entrance fee, nor it charges a monthly fee for its services to senior residents. Everything the Hogar de Ancianos provides is free. We received an annual financial contribution from Government Agencies which covers 50% of the annual cost to keep the center running. However, the other 50% must be covered by the Hogar’s own efforts either by planning local activities such as raffles, food sales, and auctions or by receiving contributions from businesses or people like you. 

Hogar de Ancianos is a nonprofit organization, located in the city of Ciudad Quesada, canton of San Carlos, in the Provence of Alajuela, Costa Rica. The Hogar was declared an Institution of “Utilidad Publica”, which means an Institution carrying out an activity that benefits the collective interest of the city or the country. This was established by a Governmental Executive Order number 133-86-6 on March 6, 1989. 

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